Saturday, April 16, 2016

What A Girl's Eyebrows Mean

What A Girl's Eyebrows Mean

Here's eyebrows on fleek's Ariana Grande singing eyebrows on fleek GO AND EL OH EL FOR TEH REST OF TEH DAY but make sure you do not forget to water your an cermet an your cermets friend named paesh because an paesh really needs an extra water because she is and currently growing at an faster rate than an cermet is and I an really want her to an grow to as big as an elefant or even an beluga whale that would just be an best feeling and ancomplishment ever like hey everywan look at how much I an watered my paesh she is so super big and everwyean will be liiek oh my god Jeahna you did so super great watering her and not submeargeing her because you should never submearge your an cermet because it will not grow if you do that but you totally didn't you just watered her and kept her at temperature boiling and fed her so much chickan she is so compleley massive and we are all very impressed will you pleaz teach us how to get our cermets that big and I will be all like hey there little beginner friend HAHAHAHA? YOU NO KNO H OW TO TAK CARE OF YOUR AN SCEZERHAMET? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhhaI made an tutorial on teh youtube machine that you can look up and know all anbout it you silly person with the silly walks and the silly face get your silly life together go look it up and learn an thing or an two and maybe if you an work hard anough your cermet will grow big an strong so good luck and go do that and stuff. Just kidding your cermet is full grown like my eyebrows. AN SCHEEHERMEAHAHTS ARE FULL AN GROWN.Please subscribe to my channel and my vlog channel! I make new videos here every Wednesday and make vlogs during my majestical daily life. JennaMarblesJennaMarblesVlogFacebook:!/Jenna_Marbles@Jenna_Marbles@CharlesMarbles@Kermit_thedogMerchandise (dog toys, shirts and more): Blog:

What A Girl's Eyebrows Mean

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